Effective Strategies for Goal Setting

It’s already 2018… where did 2017 even go? Every year seems to fly by faster than the last. I’m only 30, and I hope this pace doesn’t keep up! As you’ve probably guessed, this post is all about goals.

So, who else is feeling overwhelmed by their 2018 goals already? It’s okay! We’ve all been there. You start out with great intentions, but sometimes you don’t put in the extra effort upfront to set yourself up for success.

Good news, it’s an easy fix! Here are three simple ways to get back on track and crush your 2018 goals.

First, grab that cute, sparkly notebook you bought and write down at least three things you want to accomplish this year. Think about your health (physical, mental, spiritual), organization, finances, home improvement, career development, relationships, and more.

If you can’t think of anything to improve on, ask trusted friends for their input. Self-improvement is about recognizing both your strengths and weaknesses.

Next, make a plan for how you’ll achieve your goals and measure your success. For example, last year I aimed to lose 20 pounds but didn’t have a concrete plan beyond “eat healthier,” which was too vague. No wonder I ended up gaining 7 pounds.

This year, my goal is the same, but I have specific, measurable steps:
1. Attend 5 fitness classes per week, no excuses. I recommend Zumba if you’re new to fitness.
2. Meal prep for 4 weeks per month. I’ll prepare meals for 6 days a week, leaving little room for unplanned eating. This helps me make better choices, save money, and save time.
3. Post my progress on Facebook so friends can cheer me on and offer encouragement and tips.

Science says sharing your goals makes you more likely to achieve them — because, well, science.

Accountability is crucial. For example, after a stressful day at work, I wanted to skip my Barre class and go for chips and margaritas. Thanks to my friends who hold me accountable, I went to the class and met my goal for the week.

Posting my progress on Facebook this year helps, but the people who keep me accountable are different from those who just cheer me on. Choose people you trust who aren’t afraid to call you out when you’re slacking.

At DIY Active, we want to help you succeed this year. What are some of your goals? What topics would you like us to cover or products you want us to review or launch in 2018?

Thank you for reading, and we’re excited to help you crush your 2018 goals, whatever they may be!

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