6 Essential Habits for Kids to Embrace for a Healthier Lifestyle

Now’s the perfect time to start building healthy habits! Learn how an innovative product founder is helping role models everywhere inspire children to adopt healthy lifestyles.

Physical activity plays a crucial role in maintaining and improving our health, both physically and mentally. At my company, FluidStance, our mission is to get people moving more every day. Research shows that regular movement can boost kids’ brainpower and academic performance, besides improving their overall health.

So, why aren’t our kids moving enough?

Studies suggest that kids today spend around 85 to 90% of their waking hours sitting – whether at school, doing homework, commuting, or in front of screens – which isn’t good for their bodies or minds. Juliet Starrett, a parent and cofounder of San Francisco Crossfit, is one of many parents advocating for standing desks and active learning options in schools. While schools are a great place to incorporate movement, there are also plenty of ways to promote healthy habits at home:

As children grow older, it becomes tempting to loosen up on TV restrictions, especially during summer or holidays. To prevent your family from becoming too sedentary, set small movement goals for every 15 minutes of TV time, like doing 5 push-ups or 15 jumping jacks. Lead by example and join in to help establish this habit.

If you live close to school, the park, or a community center, try turning your carpool into a walking or biking group with other parents. This can make the journey social and enjoyable for your kids, while also helping you reach your daily step goals.

For kids who aren’t naturally inclined toward physical activities, enrolling them in camps or after-school programs can immerse them in a more active environment. Summer is an ideal time to try new things and build new, healthy habits. They might even discover an activity or hobby they’re passionate about.

Handing devices to kids can easily keep them entertained and even learning, but too much screen time means too much sitting. To keep movement in the mix, consider using a yoga ball or FluidStance Level, which allows subtle movement while they play video games.

A family dog can be a great motivator for physical activity. Give your kids the responsibility of walking the dog for at least 30 minutes a day, or join them for family walks. It’s an excellent way to get everyone moving and can lead to some great family conversations.

When children see us making physical activity a priority, they’ll learn to do the same. You can demonstrate the importance of healthy habits by taking evening walks, joining adult sports leagues, or trying a new physical activity like rock climbing or surfing.

Swimming is another fun way to stay active without it feeling like exercise. Take your kids to a certified swim instructor or teach them through swim lessons at home.

By integrating these habits and leading by example, we can help foster a lifelong love of movement and health in our children.

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