Can’t make it to the gym today or just don’t feel like driving or walking all the way there? No problem! You can still get a great workout at home using stuff you already have around the house. Here’s a DIY workout designed by an expert to help you stay in shape without leaving your home.
Gyms are packed with fancy equipment, like treadmills with TV screens and machines that target every muscle. While that’s nice, not everyone has the space or money for those machines at home. But don’t worry, you can still work out those hard-to-reach muscles by getting a little creative with household items.
Your muscles don’t care if you’re doing bicep curls with a milk jug or a dumbbell. So, let’s use the things you have at home for exercise. That couch, those paper plates, and that towel can all be turned into workout tools. It’s time to sweat!
You might love relaxing on the couch, but it can also help you strengthen your legs and chest. Think of it as a weight bench without the weights.
**Couch Exercises:**
1. **Elevated Split Squat**: Drop your back knee and push through your front heel.
2. **Decline Push-ups**: Keep a strong plank position, squeeze your glutes, and place your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
3. **Couch Jumps**: Hinge your hips back, keep your weight on your heels, and land softly.
Next, let’s use your wall. It’s not just for hanging pictures; it can help improve your squat and posture.
**Wall Exercises:**
1. **Face-the-Wall Squats**: Stand with your fingers behind your ears, feet hip-width apart, and squat without touching the wall.
2. **Bodyweight Row**: With your head, butt, and heels touching the wall, push your elbows into the wall for a count of three seconds.
3. **Explosive Push-ups**: Lower your chest slowly to the wall and then push off forcefully, clapping your hands.
Paper plates aren’t just for picnics; they can add a new dimension to your core workout.
**Paper Plate Exercises:**
1. **Plank Reach**: With hands on plates, slide one hand forward while maintaining a strong plank, then switch hands.
2. **Plank Walk**: Place toes on plates and walk your hands forward while your feet drag behind you in a plank position.
Finally, grab a towel. This simple item can provide a surprisingly tough workout.
**Towel Exercise:**
1. **Towel Row**: Place a towel under one foot, step back with the opposite foot, lean forward with a straight back, and pull the towel towards you.
By using these four common household items, you can create your own workout routine. Or, you can follow this circuit. Do two to three rounds with minimal rest between exercises. Afterward, use your towel to wipe off the sweat.
This no-dumbbell-needed workout might make you rethink your need for the gym. Enjoy!