Redefine Your Fitness Routine Beyond Dumbbells

Can’t make it to the gym today or just don’t feel like going? No worries! You can use stuff you have at home to get a great workout.

Most gyms are filled with all sorts of equipment, from high-tech treadmills to machines that target every muscle you can think of. While having access to all that gear is nice, it’s not a must for getting in shape. If you’re working out at home, you just need a little creativity and some household items.

Remember, your muscles don’t care if you’re using a milk jug or a dumbbell for those bicep curls. Look around your house, and you’ll find plenty of items that can help you get a good workout.

For starters, that comfy couch isn’t just for sitting and watching TV. It can also be used to strengthen your legs and chest, acting like a weight bench without the weights.

**Try these exercises:**
– **Elevated split squat:** Drop your back knee and push through your front heel.
– **Decline pushups:** Keep a strong plank position, squeeze your butt, and place your hands a little wider than shoulder-width apart.
– **Couch jumps:** Hinge your hips back, keep your weight on your heels, and land quietly.

Your walls aren’t just for hanging pictures or touching with grubby hands; they can help improve your squat and posture by providing instant feedback.

**Try these exercises:**
– **Face the wall squats:** Stand with your feet hip-width apart, fingers behind your ears, and face the wall. Make sure no part of your body touches the wall while squatting.
– **Bodyweight row:** Keep your head, butt, and heels touching the wall. Place your hands shoulder-width apart at shoulder height, touch elbows to the wall, and push for a count of three seconds.
– **Explosive pushups:** Place your hands shoulder-width apart with wrists below shoulder height, lower slowly, explode away from the wall and clap.

Paper plates, good for picnics and lazy dish days, are also excellent for core exercises. Just don’t eat off them afterward!

**Try these exercises:**
– **Plank reach:** With hands on the plates, slide one hand as far as you can while maintaining plank position, then alternate sides.
– **Plank walk:** With toes on the plates, take small steps with your hands while dragging your feet, keeping a strong plank position throughout.

The humble towel can also be a great workout tool. Here’s an exercise introduced by David Jack that’s sure to change how you look at a towel.

**Try this exercise:**
– **Towel row:** Place a towel under your midfoot, take a big step back with the other foot, lean forward with a straight back and puffed-out chest, and row.

Using these four common household items, you can create your own workout routine. Or try this circuit we’ve put together:

**Circuit Routine:**
Perform each exercise with minimal rest in between. Complete two to three rounds, and don’t forget to wipe off your sweat with that towel.

After trying this “no dumbbell needed workout,” you might just find that working out from home suits you better than going to the gym. Happy exercising!

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