Prioritize Your Personal Downtime

Whether you’re caught up with work or overwhelmed as a busy parent, everyone needs some “me” time to unwind and gain clarity. Andie shares her journey on how discovering her “me” time has significantly impacted her life.

Do you ever wake up already exhausted? You barely get out of bed and, right away, you face demands even though it’s not even 7 AM yet. You hear, “Mom! Where are my shoes?” (By the door where you left them after being asked to put them away.) Or, “Mom! What’s for breakfast?” (You can pour yourself some cereal.) And another one, “Honey! Did you iron my shirt?” (Yes, it’s in the closet; if not, the iron is in there.)

Some days, I just want to crawl back into bed with a good book and some chocolate and stay there all day. Don’t judge!

Honestly, it sometimes takes courage to get out of bed and face the day. However, in the past year, I’ve made a few small changes that have made a huge difference. Now, I wake up ready to face my days with energy and determination, instead of feeling like a beaten-down victim. I found my work-life balance by putting myself first. This change has made me prouder and happier to be me!

Relax—putting yourself first is a positive thing! When you take care of yourself, you’re more balanced and better equipped to care for those who need you. I love this concept because it’s so true! As women, we tend to give, give, give without asking for much in return. Focusing on ourselves helps us reset and find balance in our lives again.

In the beginning, setting aside real time for myself made me feel guilty. As a mom, it’s natural to feel that way. But I realized that without this change, I was heading for a nervous breakdown. I needed to put myself in “timeout” to re-balance.

So, find your thing—whatever makes you feel like you! Not as a mom, employee, boss, or spouse, but as YOU. For me, it’s working out every morning. The drive to and from the gym gives me quiet time to think. At the gym, I pop in my earbuds and work out all my frustrations. This routine brings me peace and energy, helping me tackle the day ahead. On days I miss the gym, I feel disconnected and “off.”

This small daily act has made a tremendous difference in my life. Some might think I’m crazy for waking up early to go to the gym, and that’s okay!

Find whatever makes you happy, something that refreshes you and prepares you to give back. It might be a nap, reading a good book, or taking a walk alone. Whatever it is, take the time to enjoy those moments with yourself. Cherish them just as much as you cherish those moments when the kids are being sweet and lovable!

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