Transforming Your Move into a Fitness Challenge

Moving from one home to another takes a lot of time and effort. People often spend months preparing and packing for the big day, making it a challenging process. But what if we could turn this into a way to stay active?

With all the organizing, packing, cleaning, and moving involved, finding time for a formal workout can seem impossible. It’s tough enough to keep a regular exercise schedule, let alone during a move.

Even though you might not have time for your usual gym sessions, there are plenty of ways to make the moving process a good workout. For instance, when you’re packing or unpacking boxes, you’ll likely be sitting more than standing or getting your heart rate up. It’s important to take at least a five-minute break every hour to move around. You could run in place, do a few yoga poses, or do some jumping jacks to keep active.

If you’re up for it, try packing while standing or squatting. This way, you’ll get your packing done and give your legs a workout at the same time. If you have some extra time, you can even fit in a full workout to tone your muscles and abs, using it as motivation to get things done faster.

Many people hire professional movers to handle the bulk of the heavy lifting when moving homes. While companies like Bekins Van Lines Inc. are great for this, you might miss out on some excellent calorie-burning opportunities. Try to move as many objects into the van or truck yourself, leaving the heaviest or most fragile items to the pros. This can be a surprisingly good way to burn calories and get some strength training in, especially when moving larger furniture pieces. Lifting big boxes and furniture will help tone your leg and arm muscles.

Stretching is crucial during a move because you’ll be using your back and leg muscles in ways they’re not used to. Stretching before, after, and during breaks can prevent injury. Make sure to stretch at the start and end of the day, and whenever you feel stiff. Doing some yoga can also help relieve any back pain and prevent neck and back strain from all the bending over.

Overall, moving can indeed take up a lot of time and can easily interfere with your usual workout routine. However, it’s possible to turn moving into a workout, helping you burn calories and stay active in the process.

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