Insights from the Founder: Setting Goals in Just 10 Minutes

Those big, super intimidating goals, whether it’s losing 20 pounds (which is no small feat), reading a book every night instead of binge-watching The Blacklist, or switching careers, can be really daunting. Why is that? Because they’re massive, life-changing objectives!

This fear can stop you from even trying, and it happens to everyone. It used to happen to me a lot until I read a book called “10 Minute Time Management: The Stress-Free Guide to Getting Stuff Done” by Ric Thompson. It’s a short and quick read packed with great tips for tackling long-term goals.

The book suggests starting with just 10-minute intervals. Set 10-minute goals, or even work on your goals for just 5 minutes a day. Does that sound doable?

Think of it in small, manageable pieces. It might seem obvious, but have you actually tried it?

Big projects often seem overwhelming and typically take longer than expected. Ric Thompson mentions, “One rule of thumb is to estimate how long the entire project will take and then multiply that by 1.5.”

So, our goals are scary, and they take longer than we think. Great, right?

That’s why the 10-minute rule is effective. It helps you chip away at your big goal gradually until it doesn’t feel so overwhelming.

How many times have you postponed cleaning your house because it seemed like it would take forever? But once you start, you get into a groove, and an hour later, your house is clean. It wasn’t so bad after all.

That’s how starting on our goals can be. Once you start, you realize it’s not as bad as you thought. Ten minutes can turn into 30 minutes, then an hour, and so on. The point is that 10-minute goals help you get started.

When you only have to commit to 10 minutes, you’re more likely to jump in.

After spending 7 years at DIY Active, I’ve learned that starting is usually the toughest part.

Once you begin, everything starts falling into place. Try the 10-minute goal rule on your next big project and see if it helps you start achieving your goals.

Feel free to reach out to us anytime. We’d love to hear about your goals and help you achieve them because our mission is to help everyone find their True Health Happiness.

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